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Lakewood NJ MVC Vehicle Center

People typically spend 0 min to 45 min here. The best time to go is at 8:00 am on Tuesday.
Based on 4 votes

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
1195 Rte 70
Leisure Center Store 9
Lakewood, NJ 08701
United States

8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wait Time: N/A
Last updated on:

Lakewood MVC Location & Hours

Office location
1195 Rte 70
Lakewood, 08701
Sun Closed
Mon 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Tue 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wed 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thu 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Lakewood MVC Wait Times - Best Time to go

Lakewood MVC is most busy around 11:00 am on Saturday. Visitors are typically here 0 min to 45 min. It's least busy at 8:00 am on Tuesday.

Lakewood MVC Office Services

  • License plate transfer or replacement.
  • New registration/title.
  • Registration/title transfer for private sale of a new vehicle, boat or trailer.
  • Renewal of registration.
  • Replacement or duplicate title.
  • Salvage title.

Lakewood MVC Payment

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • May accept ATM/Debit cards
  • Money order

Lakewood MVC Office Notes

Appointment required for most services. 

No appointment required for Disability Placard or License plate returns. 

Don't Forget to Leave a Review!

Let us know how this location handled your transaction. Did you have any issues?

Photos of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Office

Lakewood New Jersey MVC Reviews and Tips

Profile picture for user kathygorczynski
I have never met a nastier woman working as a customer Service representative when you first walk in the door. She literally grabbed everything out of my hand and then asked what are you here for without me being able to say a word. She said oh this letter it’s your insurance company’s fault n go around the corner return your plates , get a receipt and go to Eatontown office because we can not help you. What kind of service is this? She really set a tone for the rest of my day that I had to complain. If you hate your job that much please don’t take it out on your customers.
8:39 pm, Sep 25
Profile picture for user kathygorczynski
Receptionist when you first walk in the door was very nasty. She grabbed my paperwork out of my hands, then asked what are you here for without letting me explain and said this is all your insurance companies fault n go around the corner to return your plates get a receipt and go to Eatontown because we can’t help you here. The lady clearly hates her job and takes it out on innocent people and I am writing this so it doesn’t happen to other people .
4:53 pm, Oct 3
Profile picture for user mikevecchio
NJ is a corrupt state and the people that work at the DMV are typically political cronies that are beholden to their political parties. The more beholden to the party they are, the higher probability that they are in leadership positions. If you don't believe me then look them up yourself to see what their qualifications are and how they got their jobs. With 0 qualifications they have high power jobs with NO experience. The last time that I went to reregister my car, there were problems that THEY created and I did not leave there for 3.5 hours later and in tears. THEY LACK SYMPATHY AND DON'T CARE!
5:44 am, Oct 10
Profile picture for user lauramalta
If you are well prepared when you show app at the office, everyone is very helpful. The process was seamless, and I got in and out in a short period of time.
11:31 am, Feb 26

Questions and Answers

Profile picture for user larrymegill
Jul 4
where can I see my appointment Made last friday
Feb 6
You can view your appointment details by logging into your online account on the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission website at .

You may also have a confirmation email in your inbox with your appointment information.
Profile picture for user mayer
Jan 30
How do I make a appointment to re register a vehicle
Feb 6
You can make an appointment to re-register your vehicle online at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) website at .

Click on the "MAKE Appointment" button on the page to begin.
Default profile picture
DMV Customer
Mar 20

Other Locations

1. Lakewood NJ MVC Inspection

2 miles
2 miles
(609) 292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
1145 Rte 70
Lakewood Township, NJ 08701
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services. INSPECTION STATION OPEN FROM 7am to 12pm NOON on SATURDAY. Best time to arrive for inspections is mid-month, mid-week - when volumes tend to be lower.

2. Toms River NJ MVC Licensing Center

8 miles
8 miles
(609) 292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
1861 Hooper Ave
Village Square
Toms River, NJ 08753
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.

3. Miller Air Park NJ MVC Road Testing

10 miles
10 miles
(609) 292-6500

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Rte 530 and Mule Rd.
Berkeley Township, NJ 08757
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.

4. Freehold NJ MVC Licensing and Inspection Center

11 miles
11 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
811 Okerson Rd
Freehold, NJ 07728
United States

Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services. Most transactions by appointment only. INSPECTION STATION OPEN FROM 7am to 12pm NOON on SATURDAY. Best time to arrive for inspections is mid-month, mid-week - when volumes tend to be lower.


14 miles
14 miles
(888) 656-6867

1010 Comstock Street
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
United States


6. Eatontown DMV - Regional NJ MVC Center

17 miles
17 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
109 Rte 36
Eatontown, NJ 07724
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Licensing Center, Regional Center, Road Testing, and Inspection. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.  INSPECTION STATION OPEN FROM 7am to 12pm NOON on SATURDAY.