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Newton NJ MVC Vehicle Center

People typically spend 0 min to 45 min here. The best time to go is at 3:00 pm on Friday.
Based on 7 votes

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
51 Sparta Ave
Newton, NJ 07860
United States

8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wait Time: N/A
Last updated on:

Newton MVC Location & Hours

Office location
51 Sparta Ave
Newton, 07860
Sun Closed
Mon 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Tue 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Wed 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thu 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Newton MVC Wait Times - Best Time to go

Newton MVC is most busy around 10:00 am on Thursday. Visitors are typically here 0 min to 45 min. It's least busy at 3:00 pm on Friday.

Newton MVC Office Services

  • License plate transfer or replacement.
  • New registration/title.
  • Registration/title transfer for private sale of a new vehicle, boat or trailer.
  • Renewal of registration.
  • Replacement or duplicate title.
  • Salvage title.

Newton MVC Payment

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • May accept ATM/Debit cards
  • Money order

Newton MVC Office Notes

Appointment required for most services. 

No appointment required for Disability Placard or License plate returns. 

Don't Forget to Leave a Review!

Let us know how this location handled your transaction. Did you have any issues?

Photos of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Office

Newton New Jersey MVC Reviews and Tips

Default profile picture
DMV Customer
I am a senior citizen, paralyzed from the waist down and must use a wheelchair for all mobility. I visited the Newton office at 51 Sparta Ave, Newton NJ yesterday, Thursday, February 23, 2024, to submit a required re-certification for my handicap placard. After parking in the handicap parking spot and getting into my manual wheelchair, I found that the wheelchair ramp adjacent to the handicap parking spot was piled high with snow rendering it inaccessible. Another visitor, who was using a cane, directed me to a ramp located in the active travel way at the side of the building. I encountered vehicular traffic in my attempt to use the that ramp, both from the DMV facility and the commercial business that shares the common access to Sparta Ave. Fortunately, drivers stopped to allow me to safely get to the side ramp and onto the sidewalk. Blocking access to the ramp located within the handicap parking space is dangerous, thoughtless, and a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act. PLEASE notify the responsible authority at your local office and ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. Thank you.
12:33 pm, Feb 23
Default profile picture
DMV Customer
11:05 am, Mar 13
Profile picture for user kimgreenfield
Newton is approximately an hour away for us so it is not convenient. However, most of the people there were knowledgeable and helpful.
4:39 pm, Mar 21
Default profile picture
DMV Customer
My appointment was for 830 on a Friday morning to obtain a new registration and license plates for a kayak trailer. I was on time for my appointment. I was checked in and received a number K015 at 8:37 at 10:37. I was still waiting and the numbers that had been called was up to K 67. I asked for help thinking that somebody didn’t push a button to move my paperwork forward and no one would help. I walked out of there after three hours of waiting - they were up to K74 and made another appointment for Monday at 4 o’clock. I was on my way home by 4:19 registration and plate in hand

All someone had to do was check and make sure that my stuff was moving forward and something didn’t drop. How long could that have taken? I asked twice no one would help you need a customer service desk.
4:23 am, Jul 2
Profile picture for user laurieryan
My appointment was for 830 on a Friday morning to obtain a new registration and license plates for a kayak trailer. I was on time for my appointment. I was checked in and received a number K015 at 8:37 at 10:37. I was still waiting and the numbers that had been called was up to K 67. I asked for help thinking that somebody didn’t push a button to move my paperwork forward and no one would help. I walked out of there after three hours of waiting - they were up to K74 and made another appointment for Monday at 4 o’clock. I was on my way home by 4:19 registration and plate in hand

All someone had to do was check and make sure that my stuff was moving forward and something didn’t drop. How long could that have taken? I asked twice no one would help you need a customer service desk.
4:23 am, Jul 2
Profile picture for user laurieryan
I already wrote one review talking about how I wasted three hours in the DMV in Newton on Friday for something that took 20 minutes yesterday all because somebody wouldn’t go the extra five minutes and just look up why I wasn’t being called.
To find out that my title was never returned to me and I have to make another trip to Newton to pick up the title. Who knows how long that’s gonna take three trips - Just to get a new title, a registration and a plate for a kayak trailer absolutely unacceptable.

7:02 am, Jul 2
Profile picture for user laurieryan
Reason for appointment: transfer of a Title/registration of a trailer under 90 pounds to my name
Documents I had; Original title from the dealership and the bill of sale

I had an 830 appointment on a Friday - I was checked in and given a number K015 at 8:37. By 10 o’clock they were on number K066 so I went to ask if someone could check what happened to my number. No one would help me. They said that an hour and a half wasn’t really a long way. By 1040 they were on K074 and no one that came in with me at 8:30 was left in the building. I asked the woman next to me what she was there she was there for Very same thing her appointment was 10 o’clock and she was leaving at 10:40. I once again went up and asked for help and was told there was nothing they could do so I left I had to get back to work. I rescheduled for Monday at 4 o’clock. I was in my car and on my way home by 4:19.

I don’t understand why someone couldn’t look on the computer and find out why my number had been bypassed. I’m sure it was a button that wasn’t pushed accidentally but no one would help. So I wasted almost 3 hours of my day for nothing and then had to drive back to Newton again on Monday.
Very poor customer service.
When I went back on Monday, the gentleman asked me why I left on Friday and I told him and he told me I should call Trenton and complain that there’s not enough help. Well let me tell you there was plenty of help. It’s just that no one wanted to provide customer service.
6:31 am, Jul 9

Questions and Answers

Profile picture for user joehopp
Mar 22
Do I need a appointment to change title of truck
Mar 26
Yes, you need to visit a motor vehicle agency in New Jersey to transfer the title of your truck and complete the Vehicle Registration Application (Form BA-49) if applicable. It is recommended to make an appointment before visiting the agency.
Profile picture for user monicamello
Mar 28
Hola soy Mónica una pregunta en este DMV hacen examen de manejo práctico muchas gracias espero tener respuesta pronto
Profile picture for user frankcaruso
Apr 26
Can I register a use car from another state at this office?

Other Locations

1. Newton NJ MVC Inspection

1 mile
1 mile

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
90 Moran Street
Newton, NJ 07860
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.  Best time to arrive for inspections is mid-month, mid-week - when volumes tend to be lower.

2. NJ MVC Randolph Licensing Road Test and Inspection

15 miles
15 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
160 Canfield Avenue
Randolph, NJ 07869
United States

Road Test open until 4pm. Most transactions by appointment only. INSPECTION STATION OPEN FROM 7am to 12pm NOON. Best time to arrive for inspections is mid-month, mid-week - when volumes tend to be lower.

3. Washington NJ MVC Vehicle Center

23 miles
23 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
404 E Washington Ave
Washington, NJ 07882
United States

Appointment required for most services.  No appointment required for Disability Placard or License plate returns. 

4. Oakland NJ Licensing Center

27 miles
27 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
350 Ramapo Valley Road
Suite 24
Oakland, NJ 07436
United States

Most transactions by appointment only.

5. Wayne NJ MVC Licensing, Vehicle, Road Test, Regional Center.

28 miles
28 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
481 Route 46 West
Wayne, NJ 07470
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Licensing Center, Regional Center, Road Testing, and Inspection. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.  INSPECTION STATION OPEN FROM 7am to 12pm NOON.

6. NJ MVC Paterson Licensing and Regional Center

32 miles
32 miles

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
125 Broadway Suite 201
Suite 201
Paterson, NJ 07505
United States

Most transactions by appointment only. Licensing Center, Regional Center, Road Testing, and Inspection. Saturday hours not available for certain walk-in services.