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San Antonio - Babcock Tx DPS Office

Based on 1 vote

Texas Department of Public Safety
1258 Babcock Road
San Antonio, TX 78201
United States

Wait Time: N/A
Last updated on:

San Antonio DPS Location & Hours

Office location
1258 Babcock Road
San Antonio, 78201
Sun Closed
Mon 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wed 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat Closed

San Antonio DPS Office Notes

Driver Licese Office, No Motor Vehicle services.

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Photos of Texas Department of Public Safety Office

San Antonio Texas DPS Reviews and Tips

Default profile picture
The location itself is not hard to find given you have a GPS and put in the coordinates, but there are no obvious signs that the building is DMV. I came here to renew my driver's license and it took about as long as I expected given the long wait times that you would generally expect to experience at a DMV. The staff was friendly and understanding for the most part, and answered my questions satisfactorily.
4:00 pm, Dec 3

Questions and Answers

Profile picture for user philiplestrange
Jan 30
I am 80 years old and am required to take a test for my texas driver license to be renewed. Could you supply me with a handbook to study? Will parallel parking be on the driving test? Do you believe it would be advisable to enroll in a drivers ed course to go over the rules of the road? I have been driving for 50 years but that doesn't mean I couldn't use a brush up. Thank You My email is [email protected]
Mar 22

Here is the link to the Texas driving handbook .

Also, if you are interested in taking an online behind the wheel course, those are available as well at .

I hope this helps, good luck!