WisDOT Seeks Public Feedback on 'Spay, Neuter, Adopt' Specialty License Plate

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is asking for public input on a new specialty license plate proposed by an organization advocating for the spaying, neutering, and adoption of cats and dogs.
Benefitting Animal Welfare
The plates, if approved, will feature the message “Spay, Neuter, Adopt.” Each plate purchased would include a $25 donation in addition to the regular registration fee. All proceeds would benefit The Fix Is In, Inc., a non-profit organization providing financial and logistical support for the spaying and neutering of cats and dogs throughout Wisconsin.
The mission of The Fix Is In, Inc. is to mitigate the number of cats and dogs taken in by Wisconsin shelters and reduce the number of animals suffering from overpopulation. For more information on the organization, visit thefixisin.org.
How to Comment
The public is encouraged to review the specialty license plate application at wisconsindmv.gov/specialgroupreview and provide comments through July 20, 2023. The public comment period is the first step in the process for groups interested in sponsoring an Authorized Special Group license plate. If the public does not approve of the special group plate, they may submit an objection.
All objections will be forwarded to the legislative Transportation Committee for a final decision on the plate's status.
Understanding the Process
The review process for new Authorized Special Group license plates was changed by Wisconsin Act 227, effective October 1, 2016. Full information on the updated application process can be found here.
For those interested in exploring the variety of specialty plates currently available, visit wisconsindmv.gov/specialplates. Both specialty and regular plates can be ordered and renewed online at wisconsindmv.gov.