Wisconsin Revokes Arlington Dealer's License Amid Violations

The State of Wisconsin has revoked the wholesale dealer license of 3 Point Capital, LLC, located at 101 Skyline Dr. #1 W309, Arlington, for failing to adhere to administrative requirements, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Division of Motor Vehicles.
Dealer Violations
The order determined that 3 Point Capital violated state law in several ways:
- Direct sales of motor vehicles to consumers
- Rolling back odometers on vehicles
- Falsification of title documents when selling vehicles to customers
Given the severity of these violations, the department acted swiftly to revoke the dealer's license effective April 24, 2023.
Decision Upheld, No Appeal
A hearing conducted by the WisDOT on May 24, 2023, upheld the decision to revoke the license. Dealers are typically allowed a 30-day window to appeal such a revocation to the state Division of Hearing and Appeals. However, 3 Point Capital chose not to appeal, thereby rendering the decision final.
It's crucial for consumers to be aware of such decisions and exercise due diligence when purchasing vehicles, especially from wholesale dealers. This decision safeguards consumers from the risk of potential fraud and malpractice.
Link to Original Source: Wisconsin Department of Transportation