Nevada DMV Nixes Walk-In Appointments

A New System Surprises Nevada Residents
For residents attempting to renew their Nevada licenses and ID cards these past weeks, there may have been a bit of a shock when entering the DMV; walk-ins were no longer welcome. Since August 15, the state has established a new rule that residents must have an appointment when conducting business at the DMV. According to anecdotal reports from DMV administrators, the recent change has led to happier customers. After all, walk-ins have a way of disrupting the workflow in any business, let alone one that has as many rules and regulations as the DMV.
A New Rule Created from Necessity
The entire country is still recovering from staffing shortages due to the fallout of COVID-19, and Nevada is undoubtedly no exception. Another piece of this new initiative is that the state is making a massive effort to encourage residents to use the online services portal instead of dropping by a DMV office. Those who visit the Nevada DMV website will undoubtedly notice that they can no longer make appointments for issues that can easily be handled online.
Nevada DMV Provides Exceptions
Of course, the state recognizes that some residents may require extra assistance or do not have access to the necessary resources. On Saturdays, walk-ins will still be welcomed into all DMV locations. A few specific tasks, such as vehicle inspections, may be addressed for walk-ins, even on weekdays. Although the state is trying to accommodate everyone, Nevada is trying to follow the example of conditions such as Illinois and Colorado, where moves have been made to phase out a high percentage of the in-person appointments that demand too many resources from the state while it is strapped.