The Arkansas Government Can Save You Time!

Time is money. You can now avoid time and expense. The old drudge of taking time from work to drive to the DMV and wait in a long line is no longer necessary.
Instead, log on to , and follow the links that specifically apply to your need. You will find what you are looking for right at the start. The website is easy to use, and as Governor Hutchinson said, “We’ve prioritized streamlining and simplifying the services our citizens utilize daily.”
Demand for specific services is our priority. There are more than twenty options at first glance. Therefore, you do not have to seek very far before you find what you are looking for. Tasks now completed in record time used to take hours. Again, this is only one of the many reasons customers now choose to forgo an in-person visit to the DMV.
Furthermore, users will tell you that renewing car tags, assessing personal property, paying your property taxes, ordering personalized license plates, or downloading a voter registration form are all possible. However, these services just mentioned are only a few of the many offered on the website.
In addition, Arkansas truck drivers can also find links on the website to download the written CDL exam. They can take the online course to become a Certified Trucker Against Trafficking on the same website,
Folks are looking for a seamless and painless process--which has been our goal from the start. All of the Credit for making these services possible goes to the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) website, which is hosted by the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).
Please do not forget to check the complete list of current online services before making a trip to the DMV.
New services go up on the website as fast as they are available. Should you need to reach us by mail, our address is Post Office Box 3278, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-3278; our telephone number is (501) 682-2242; our fax number is (501) 682-1029. Furthermore, you can reach Bob Sanders, Information Network of Arkansas at (501) 324-8915 or by email at [email protected]. You can reach Scott Hardin, Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration at (501) 682-5339 or by email at [email protected]