Arkansas DFA Updates Its Online Report Misuse of Disability Parking Page

Since the beginning of the pandemic, abuse and misuse of state and federal resources has increased throughout the nation. In September 2022, the Office of Motor Vehicle of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) updated their web page ( about how residents and visitors can report misuse of state-issued disability parking placards, license plates and spaces. Misuse includes drivers parking in spaces without appropriate placards or plates and parking in areas marked with stripes that are designed to set extra space aside for disabled individuals with vans and medical devices that require more space than normal.
They explained that Act 1003 of 2017 specifically established the steps that people should take to make a report and provided links to reporting forms. They emphasized that residents and visitors should never confront one or more people potentially misusing official disability resources related to driving and parking. An actual abuser of the system might verbally or physically assault anyone who confronts them while under pressure from suddenly realizing that they won't continue to get away with their crime. Instead, the DFA recommends that the concerned person contact police.
They also emphasize that the department doesn't want to receive reports based on rumors. No one should report potential misuse unless they're absolutely certain that a crime has taken place. False accusations are one of the biggest problems with reports of misuse in Arkansas and other areas of the country.
Many people in the U.S. have "invisible" disabilities. They need disability resources, but they don't use or need medical devices commonly associated with disabilities, such as canes, scooters, walkers or wheelchairs. They can seem perfectly healthy. Yet, they might experience imbalance when walking, severe pain or other symptoms that cause sudden debilitation or make walking through a parking lot difficult or damaging to their health.