Tips To Take An Awesome Driver's License Photo

It’s super easy to take a bad driver’s license photo. You don’t even have to try. In an instant you can take a bad photo that you’re stuck with for five years or more. If you ask ten people to see their driver’s license photos, we’re betting about half will disclose that they hate their photos and/or deny you the opportunity to see them. It is possible to take a great photo, but you will need to prepare beforehand. Follow the steps here to make sure you take an amazing driver’s license photo next time you need one.
Choose A Stylish Top
For your driver’s license photo, you want to avoid tee-shirts with slogans or distracting pictures, low-cut shirts and tops that are white or too light colored as they might blend into the white or light background. Choose a color that compliments your skin tone. Above all else, make sure that you are comfortable with the top that you choose. You’ll be looking at it for a long time.
Style Your Hair Neatly
Wear your hair in a style that you wear often. Remember your driver’s license photo is a form of identification. Avoid wild or outrageous hairstyles that don’t match your typical style that make it more difficult for officers to recognize you. Don’t wear bangs that obscure your eyes. If you don’t have a usual hairstyle or need a neater hairstyle, try a ponytail, low side bun or a yoga knot.
Don't Wear Too Much Makeup
Remember you want to look yourself. Don’t overdo the make up i.e. avoid the smoky eye look. Wear make up that will give you a natural glow. Keep it basic and simple. In other clichéd terms: “Trust your inner beauty.”
Use Eye Drops
You can’t always choose when you your driver’s license expires or when you may need to take a new photo. If you suffer from allergies or if maybe you didn’t get enough sleep the night before, use eye drops so your eyes will look less bloodshot red in your photos.
Wear Your Glasses
If you must wear glasses to see correctly when you are driving, you should definitely wear your glasses when you take your driver’s license photo. You’ll need to avoid wearing sunglasses and contact lenses that will change the color of your eyes.
Make Sure You Know Your Angle
This tip is very important. You want to make sure you have the right kind of angle that can help you avoid harsh lighting and a bad straight-on angle that can result in your photo looking like a mug shot. Take a few shots on yourself beforehand to make sure you know you like to angle your face best.
Elongate Your Neck
The night before you take your driver’s license photo, practice your poses in the mirror. Make sure you know how to elongate your neck gracefully: relax your shoulders and back, straighten your neck but don’t lift your chin so high it seems unnatural.
Keep Smiling
On the day of your photo remember to smile before you get in front of the camera. If there’s a long line and the clerk wants to hurry everyone along, he may snap your photo quickly before you even get a chance to say you’re even ready. So to avoid that possibility, walk up to the camera smiling that way whenever the photo is snapped you’ll look good. We suggest smiling, but you can also keep a straight face as long as you don’t end up look like a criminal.
Got any more awesome tips for how to take a great driver’s license photo? Be kind and share it with the world below.