Ten Tips To Help You Pass Your Road Test
You studied the rules of the road and your state’s general traffic laws well enough that you passed your permit test, and you’ve practiced driving for hours. You feel confident that you are able to drive safely and efficiently and now all you need to do is demonstrate your ability to drive well to an examiner. Easy enough? Let’s hope so. Here are ten tips that will help you pass your road test.
Make A DMV Appointment
The DMV can be a very busy and unpredictable place. On test day the last thing you want is to be waiting anxiously to see if you will even be able to take the test on the day you intend. Not all DMVs allow you to make an appointment for your road test nor do all require it, but if you can schedule, we advise that you do. Take away a worrisome test day factor.
Perform Routine Maintenance On Your Vehicle
Before you begin your road test, your examiner will want to inspect your vehicle to ensure that it’s in good working order. If your vehicle is not, you will not be allowed to take your test that day. You’ll want to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle so that you can avoid delaying your test but also to make sure that it’s safe for you to drive.
Compile Your Documents And Fees The Night Before
On test day, it’s easy to forget documents if you’re nervous or preoccupied with your upcoming test. Compile your documentation, which may vary depending on your state. Typically, you’ll need to bring your permit, proof of your insurance, car registration and a log of your driving practice hours. The night before your test, put those documents into a folder with your road test fee, which will vary by state, so on your way out, on test day, you don’t have to worry you’ve forgotten an important document.
Adjust Your Seat If Necessary
Before you start your vehicle’s engine on the day of your test, check your seat position and your mirrors. Even if you know the seat and mirrors are adjusted properly. This will show your examiner that you are a cautious and safe driver. Also, remember to buckle your seatbelt!
Obey All Traffic Laws
Duh! How road tests are scored may vary from state to state, but, generally, breaking traffic laws is a recipe for disaster. Obey all traffic laws. Show your examiner you know how to drive safely and efficiently.
Brake Safely And Gradually
Make sure on test day, you brake safely and smoothly. Braking abruptly may suggest to your examiner that you aren’t paying attention, and rolling stops are dangerous for pedestrians and other drivers.
Scan The Road Frequently
Your examiner will watch closely the way you are driving and how well you are paying attention to the road conditions ahead. Scan the road frequently to demonstrate to your examiner that you are aware of your surroundings.
Drive At A Speed That's Safe For The Road Conditions Ahead
On your test day, you’ll want to make sure particularly that you are not speeding or breaking the speed limit. Maintain a speed that is safe for the road conditions around you. If there’s bad weather or heavy traffic, slow down.
Avoid Distractions
If you’re feeling nervous on your test day you may feel inclined to chat with your examiner to ease your nerves, but try to avoid that if you can. Avoid chatting excessively, listening to the radio or using your cellphone.
I know. Easier said that done. But the more worried you are on test day, the more likely you are to make a mistake or worse get into an accident. Relax. Don’t worry if you do not pass your test; you can take it again.