Idaho Introduces New Driver's License and ID Card Design

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho's Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) unveiled a new design for driver's licenses and state-issued ID cards today, featuring prominent elements of the state's identity. The redesigned cards will be used for all new issuances, renewals, and replacements.
DMV Administrator Lisa McClellan highlighted the new design's focus on celebrating Idaho's natural beauty and landmarks. "The new license showcases some of Idaho's best features," McClellan said. "Idaho's state bird, the mountain bluebird, is featured prominently. Idahoans will also notice the Sawtooth Mountains and the Idaho Statehouse."
The decision to release the updated card design stems from a need to keep up with technological advancements and prevent counterfeiting. Periodically updating license designs and security features is standard practice; the last change in Idaho's design occurred in 2016.
Existing licenses featuring the old design will remain valid until the expiration date printed on the card. License holders do not need to take any action until renewal time, at which point they can renew online, if eligible, at or visit a local DMV office. License fees will not change with the implementation of the new design.
The updated design will also be applied to other state-issued cards, including identification cards, instruction permits, and concealed weapons cards. For additional information, visit the "Frequently Asked Questions" section on the Idaho DMV's website.