Five Painless Steps To Get In And Out Of The DMV Without Losing Your Cool
Hate going to the DMV, waiting in obnoxious lines, dealing with cranky people who want to be any place other than the DMV? Join the club. Here are five steps to help you get in and out of the DMV easily.
You’ve waited an hour to get to the front of the line when you realize you’ve forgotten your photo ID. Back to your home you go, wasting another hour or two of your day because of one small missing document. What documents you’ll need to bring with you to the DMV will vary. Most often, DMVs or transportation services will require you to bring your driver’s license (or permit), a photo ID, a Social Security Card, proof of your address and other documents listed here. Before your trip to the DMV, visit your local DMV’s website and research what documents are necessary. Be as prepared as you can be for your trip to the DMV.
You have found the right website. While you may not be able to call your local DMV, on our website you can check out the wait times of the DMV or transportation service office closest to you. Generally, if you’re trying to plan when you should visit the DMV, you may experience shorter wait times early in the morning between 8-11 am or after the lunch rush around 2-4pm. Schedule your DMV visit on a normal work day like Wednesday or Thursday.
Most places accept credit cards, but it can never hurt to make sure you have cash and checks available to you so if need be, you’re not being turned away because of something so simple.
Wait times at the DMV will always be worse if you’re hungry. Even after checking wait times online, some unexpected delay may make your waits even longer. Don’t risk becoming ravenous and irritable. Eat a good, well-balanced meal before your trip to the DMV and bring a snack along with you just in case. Seriously. Better safe than sorry!!
There is no point in getting frustrated with anyone at the DMV. Even after all your preparations, you can still end up running into a problem that doubles the time you spend at the DMV. Try to remember that getting mad won’t really help you and won’t endear anyone else to help you either. Your DMV visit will be a lot less painful if you relax and stay positive. Everything’s always worse, always longer and always more miserable when you’re irritated.
Know of other steps to make a DMV trip easier? Don't be selfish. Write it below.