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The Idaho Department of Transportation (IDOT), Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has two separate offices that oversee different functions:

Driver Services Division handles the following:

  • Idaho Driver's licenses
  • Idaho Driver's License Renewals
  • Idaho ID Cards
  • Idaho Permits

Vehicle Services Division handles the following:

  • Idaho License Plates
  • Idaho Titles
  • state:name] Vehicle Registrations

Learn How to Make an appointment with the Idaho DMV.

Recent DMV Reviews

Profile picture for user richardmoran
Tracy at the DMV is extremely knowledgeable about all your vehicle licensing needs. Very fast service easier than logging into the website. And can answer questions better that AI
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DMV Customer
Better call ahead- They closed at 4:30 when the website says 5:00 and the sign on the door says 5:00.
Profile picture for user duanespringer
You people are ridiculous, your appointment page is clear as mud. I just want to renew my Driver's License and obtain a stupid Star card, I don't see why you need to make this so difficult, I used to love Boise DMV but not anymore, you are actually worse than California DMV now, congratulations, they were the worst.
Profile picture for user barbaraheilman
I had an issue with trying to find out if I could do online renewal and my being 79. The form online was not clear to me which to click on. I am computer literate, but I was confused. My birthday was coming up and I wanted to pick another date other than the first available. I took that one date offered. For the review, I went back in a few days later to share the steps to get to the place again, and the first available was the day AFTER my birthday. I got there early (good parking space near the door), and then I tried for 4 times to have the machine let me get an issued paper number, but it kept saying "too early". You told me if I got there late, you would cancel my appointment. I am happy not to do this for another 4 years.